Solar panels are a technological marvel. They harness the power of the Sun to power our homes. Thanks to reduced costs and increased efficiency, solar panels have become more attractive. Indeed, their adoption has seen a meteoric rise in Australia. Many families are turning to this technology to start going off the grid.

But have you ever wondered how a thin panel generates power from the Sun? How can they power our appliances with clean energy? The science behind solar panels is actually quite simple. Having an intuition about them will help you appreciate the technology more. Are they actually effective? Can they generate reliable power? These are the big questions in the mind of prospective buyers. With a clear understanding, buyers can be more aware of what they are investing in. Who knows, you might give it a shot if you aren’t already.

So without further ado, let’s break down how solar panels work.

Photons From The Sun

As alluded to before, solar panels need the Sun to work. The heat and light energy from the Sun contain photons. Photons are tiny particles that act as electric fields. All the electricity we use comes from the electromagnetic field. It’s a field where both magnetic and electric fields oscillate together. So you can think of photons as the building blocks of electricity. That’s why they are so important.

Solar panels harness these photons from the Sun. They use them to generate an electric field.  If you ever find yourself confused, there is an easy way to remember. Think of photons as the building blocks of electricity. This is what bricks are to buildings. Think of solar panels as generators. These generators take the photons and create an electric field of their own.

The Solar Cell

Now, let’s talk about what’s inside a solar panel. Solar panels make use of photovoltaic (PV) cells. That’s a fancy scientific word but their function is simple. A PV cell is any cell that can absorb sunlight and convert it into usable energy.

Producers make these cells by joining up silicon pieces together in a sandwich. There may be other arrangements as well. What’s Silicon, you ask? Well, they are semiconductors. Semiconductors are materials that can conduct electricity in some instances. They are both electrical insulators and conductors. This is why they go into producing electronics like diodes and transistors. Their ability to turn “on and off” is essential to the functioning of electronics. It is crucial for solar panels as well.

The silicon has different elements laced on top of them. But the general rule is that one side is positive and the other is negative. By that, we mean electric charges. The norm is to use Phosphorus for the negative end. The positive end uses Boron.

Solar panels come in different technologies. The most popular are monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film. Each has its own perks and drawbacks. In a nutshell: solar cells make up a solar panel. Many solar panels make up a solar array.

Energy Generation

Now that we’ve talked about the components, let’s talk about the actual process.

The photons that hit the solar panel have energy. Of course, right? How else would solar panels generate energy? But what’s interesting is that these photons set off an important chain of events. When a photon with energy hits the solar cells, an electron gets knocked off. Remember how we said solar cells consist of two silicon layers? Well, silicon has electrons that can gain energy from the photons. When electrons receive energy, they get charged and start to move.

When they move, they create a junction. Electrons have a negative charge. Like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Thus, the electrons move to the positive Boron layer. This charge difference creates an electric current. This is how solar panels generate electricity. The charged electrons are the components of that energy flow. These electrons then flow to metal conductors. The conductors receive electrons from all the cells in the panel. There are wires attached to the conductors that take the energy to home appliances.

Conversion to Usable Power

Alright, so we know how solar panels generate electricity. But how does that power my appliances? It’s actually easy to understand.

Solar panels produce direct current (DC). The flow of electrons, and hence charge, is always in the same direction. But most appliances and utility meters use alternating current (AC). That’s where an inverter comes in. They convert DC to AC so the current can power appliances. You can even sell unused energy back to the grid. You’ll usually get some money out of it too. 

Other components ensure the solar panel operates at peak efficiency. There are insulating layers to prevent the solar panel from overheating. When they do, their performance decreases. Solar panels also have an anti-reflective coating. This is to make sure they absorb most of the sunlight instead of reflecting it back.

Battery Storage

Solar panels can work with many appliances. But one of the best ones is a battery. The battery can store the excess energy you make from solar panels. You can use it to power your home during bad weather. Your home can have power even during outages.

Batteries can also help you save more and get back some money. You can sell the stored energy at greater rates.

The Bottom Line: 

You now know how solar panels work. We hope you see the endless potential of this technology. Not only in helping to save the environment, but to also reduce energy costs.

Solar panels only need the Sun to generate energy. It is a sustainable process that only uses renewable and clean energy. All that power you’re getting has no impact on the environment. It’s useful energy you’re getting for free. And it can power many appliances and even your home. With a battery, you can store that energy for use during outages. The possibilities for convenience are limitless.

That’s why it’s a great technology for families looking to cut costs. It’s essential for people who want to conserve the environment. No wonder solar panels have enjoyed so much popularity.